Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I really don't know where to start. I suppose with the crack, because it's the simplest.

A rock hit my windshield. I've already reaplced the windshield once before over just such some smallish pebble going ka-THUNK on glass. I just got my truck back from the deer incident (dumb doe!) I really don't want to replace the windshield- again. But it's not one but TWO cracks. I'll wait and see. Stupid rock.

I haven't been to the grocery store in over a week. I haven't had time. I have no food. If I did have food, I don't know when I'd have time to cook it.

For once, I have money. But it's only because I haven't had a chance to spend it.

I itch all over. It is nerves. I'm tired and stressed and my skin crawls like ants. Knowing what the problem is doesn't make it go away.

Today I worked thru lunch. Before the shift started, the line had a meeting about 12hr shifts every day this week, we will be asked to do many jobs and if we refuse that is insubordination and we can be terminated for it. My team leader stared at me all thru this little speech, even though I complain the least. So 30 minutes before lunch, she informs me that I wouldn't go to lunch until the rest of the line got back because I had to build up inventory. Sometimes I just want to slap the shit out of her and scream, 'Do you KNOW I'm a diabetic?' Then at the end of the shift, she found me shoving candy in my mouth and she was all fake concerned about my sugar dropping. I wanted to spit chocolate on her, but it was too good to waste.

I am very disconnected from the Earth. I have no clue what is going on with my little bit of land. My bird feeder is empty, I have no seeds planted, and I had to go look at the calendar to see when Spring would arrive. Sigh. Don't even ask me what moon phase we're in. I am a pathetic witch.

I'm to bed now because...


Aine O'Brien said...

Oh, that sounds terrible. Why is it that in order to have enough money to get by we have to give up everything we enjoy (not to mention put our health at risk and/or be abused?) This isn't fair.

I am living a different life than I did before. I used to have a "big" job. I am used to working with decent people. When I took a job here in my new place, I was in for a shock. The way people are treated by those who think they have power (albeit it very little) is utterly shameful. Basically, people put up with abuse in order to keep a job, and those in charge know that they have no other choice.

I cannot tolerate those who take advantage of the troubles/misfortunes of others, who know that the only reason they are powerful is because others are less so.

This is what I file under "evil."

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

Beyond frustrating and into abusive. I don't think it's legal but I also don't think you could prove discrimination yet. I'd consider beginning to document the pattern of behavior.

Keeping you in my thoughts.

Living in Muddy Waters said...

As I work to lift myself out of my personal abyss, I will do my best to send healing energy your way too. I know exactly how you feel about the disconnected from the earth thing. That's one of my biggest complaints right now.


FreeDragon said...

First- thank you all for your kind words and support. It makes me feel much better!
Second-I have requested to be moved off the line.
Third- I document EVERYTHING. How many times my sugar dropped, where I worked for how long, how many parts I made, if the machine went down, everything. If I am too busy to write, the next day I write down an overview of what happened.
I try as hard as I can to be a normal person. I'm not asking for the easiest job, but I DO wish if someone had to work thru lunch, I'd be the last person she asked. My friend Nene says once our team leader learns your weakness, she uses it to make you suffer. And this is true. I am trying to think positive thoughts- I work on a different line. I work on a different line. I work on a different line, damn it!

Aisha @The Bewitching Bibliophile said...

girlie you aren't the only one disconnected...feel better soon and I hope that crack doesn't get any worse, although if the summer is seriously hot it might make it worse.
as for your "boss" let her know that HR has documented proof of your illness and if anything happens to you while under her 'care' then she'll be named along with the company in a lawsuit, it's funny how people change when they know thie money can become involved..best of luck otherwise