Friday, December 30, 2011

Ow! My Freakin' Head!

I have the worst headache. I would gladly chop off my head just to get some relief. I've lost track of the pain pills I've taken today. My headache has LESSENED but it is very much STILL THERE. I'm about to go lay in a dark room.

It's been a long day for me. I got up really early to visit family, I had to take insulin earlier than usual, my sugar dropped, and I had to deliver a sewing project this afternoon but my guy left early, so I didn't get paid. Any of these could have contributed to my aching skull. I think all of it played a part.

I have my featured shop item at the top of the page. Next Friday, I'll have something else up there. Please buy something, I'm rather poor.

Since I put a great horned owl on my blog, I have been seeing owls everywhere. I ordered a new calendar, which came in the mail today. One picture has a beautiful snowy owl in the background. Most of the owls I have seen are like that, not the main focus, but very noticeable in the back. There is also a dead skunk up the road from my house. I am taking it as a sign that my magick is working.

I have to say the new 'Tarot & Cards' page is a challenge. I have to remember to do it and I don't feel I should draw cards ahead of time. I'm afraid I'm going to forget one day. Heck, I struggle to post a weekly menu. Pretty soon I'll start thinking about the hereafter, as in 'what did I come in here after?'

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