Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday in the House of Dragon's Kitchen

I'm cooking red beans and rice. I start everything off in separate pots and gradually it all comes together in the big pot. My rice is brown (less carbs), my red beans came out of a can, and I added sausage because I hate plain ol' boring rice. This is a cheap and easy dinner. It works well with chicken, though I'd swap the beans for tomatoes.

Be sure to check the kitchen witch page tomorrow. I have a good menu this week.

I purchased this little rosemary plant tonight at Kroger. Poor little thing is root-bound. It was also thirsting to death. Tomorrow it gets a bigger pot and a home by the window.

Halona and Sophie pretending to sleep. As soon as I started cutting up sausage, they became VERY attentive.

I forgot to mention my soda can witch and bats. They came from Etsy. Appropriately, they are made from a Monster brand can.

Finally, the pastel ribbons I tied on my cast iron utensils look tired and sad. I think they need to be replaced with crimson, or gold, ribbons and Holly leaves for the upcoming Yule.

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