Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Powders

Magickal powders are fairly useful. You can sprinkle them around your house or on an item, pour them in gris-gris bags or bottles, stuff them in poppets, or roll candles in the powder. They're fairly easy to make and generally have a long shelf life.

These are all powders of my own creation- I didn't follow a recipe from another source. I came up with all of these when I first started studying Wicca. I would think about my problem, classify it as a love, health, protection, etc issue, then I got my Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs and using a pendulum, I determined which herbs would work for my spell. My 'herbs' were spices I bought at Big Lots. Don't laugh. They have a wide variety of spices for cheap. I could afford to experiment.

One note of caution- while spices make up the bulk of my powders, sometimes I add things that are not to be ingested, like glitter. I never eat my powders, even if every thing in it is food safe. You could easily make a food safe mixture for cooking spells, but that is not what I'm presenting here. I also keep magickal tools separate from cooking tools. I have two mortar and pedestals, a black one for magick and a white one for cooking. I would feel horrid if I ever poisoned anyone. I generally don't mess with poisonous things in my magick, but still, better safe than sorry.

I will also post these recipes on my book of shadows pages. I'm posting them here so you'll get all of them without have to hunt through four separate pages.

Banishing Creeps Powder

¼ teaspoon each:
Signature ingredient (something you always add to your powders to make them ‘yours’)
Garlic salt

Make on Saturday, during the dark of the moon, or in the hour of Saturn

Chant once:
Be gone, be gone, be gone
Move away, move on.
I separate you from me.
From this day on I am free.
Be gone, be gone, be gone.

Love Powder
1 teaspoon each:
Signature ingredient (something you always add to your powders to make them ‘yours’)
Dill weed
Poppy seed

1 drop each:
Rose oil
Gardenia oil

Grind together very well. Store without a lid until mixture is completely dry.

Make on a Monday, Thursday, or Friday during a new or full moon.

Burn a white, red, pink, or green candle.

Chant 3 times:
Midnight blooms with passion’s embrace,
Lust encircles the lovers’ haste.
Hearts beat as one, pulsing with fire,
Rising strong, fulfilling desire.
Enchantment brings a throbbing delight.
Magick’s afoot as our bodies unite.

Good Health Powder
5 teaspoons each:
Signature ingredient (something you always add to your powders to make them ‘yours’)
Black pepper

Make on any day, any moon phase but in the hour of the moon

Chant once:
By the powers of the moon,
Grant me this healing boon.

Psychic Powder
4 teaspoons each:
Signature ingredient (something you always add to your powders to make them ‘yours’)
White glitter

Make on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday on a new moon

Candle- white, blue, or purple

Chant twice:
By the powers of night,
Grant me second sight.

Money Cleansing Powder
1/8 teaspoon each:
Signature ingredient (something you always add to your powders to make them ‘yours’)
Dragon’s blood
1 crystal

Make on a Saturday
(Money cleansing powder is helpful if you have negative association with money or if you want to cleanse away other people's psychic energy, whereas Money Powder is used for drawing money to you)
Money Powder
1 teaspoon each:
Signature ingredient (something you always add to your powders to make them ‘yours’)
Dill weed

Make on Wednesday or Thursday during any moon phase

Chant 5 times:
Trinka 5, Trinka 5
Ancient Spirits come alive
Money grow and money thrive,
Spirits of the Trinka 5.

God Protection Powder
1 quartz placed in a jar
½ teaspoon each:
Signature ingredient (something you always add to your powders to make them ‘yours’)
Red glitter

Grind ingredients together

Make on a Sunday, at noon, or in the hour of the sun

Chant twice:
Father Sun, of strength and might,
Aid this spell in taking flight
To its target, now please guide-
Increase its power as it flies.


Anonymous said...

Great post - thanks for sharing! I wonder if you could use something other than glitter like pulverized crystals? I would rather do something like that than use plastic particles. I bet powdered crystal would add even more power to it! Could be worth trying. :)

FreeDragon said...

I've used gem stone chips before, that works. There's also food grade glitter. I suppose you could make your own using either sugar or salt and food coloring but it might not have as much sparkle.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I didn't think of food grade glitter! Oh the possibilities...