Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Menu

This was in my inbox today-
yeah, it's cake in the shape of a coffin.

My cookbook has found a new home-
This is my shortest bookcase. It originally held encyclopedias. Both my father and my Grandaddy read encyclopedias for fun. My father has all the books now, and he won't let anyone touch them. I still want to get a stand for my cookbook. I am torn between a wooden one I found on Etsy (which you can see in my favorites) and a cast iron one I found online at Bed, Bath & Beyond. I think I'll have to write my own book blessing. I found a few good book of shadows blessings and a few kitchen witch blessings, but no kitchen witch cookbook blessing which I think is odd because surely every kitchen witch has a collection of recipes. I still haven't decided on cover art. I did find this cool pic of a raven stealing the moon, but that doesn't have much to do with food or cooking:

Today's recipe is one of AJ's. Here are two versions of Russian Tea:
Russian Tea
1 gal. of water
2 cups of sugar (or Splenda for us diabetics)
2 sticks cinnamon
6 whole cloves
5 tea bags
16 ox. orange juice concentrate
16 oz. lemonade concentrate
Boil cinnamon, cloves, sugar and tea in water for 2 minutes. Remove tea bags, cinnamon, and cloves. Add juices, mix, and serve hot.
This smells wonderful when you boil it. We kept it in the fridge and heated up a cup in the microwave. It's very soothing when you're sick. It also goes well with just a touch of Jack Daniel's Whiskey.
Here's a way to keep Russian Tea for months:
Russian Tea, Instant
2 cups of sugar
1 cup of Tang
1/2 cup instant tea
1 small pkg sweetened lemonade mix (about 1/2 cup)
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves
Mix all ingredients and store in sealed container. To serve, dissolve 1 heaping tablespoon in a cup of boiling water.

When I remade my cookbook, I found my powder recipes. I'll post these on the book of shadows pages over the next few days. That is Draco in the picture. Draco is normally elusive, so I'm a little surprised he wanted his picture taken. Maybe he has some magick in store for us. I thought Draco would like to hang out on my purse. I bought a keyring and a ball chain. The first problem was the chain wouldn't fit around his neck. Funny, I used the chain off the ceiling fan to see if it would work (same size) and it fit. Instead of looping the chain around his neck, I had to loop it around his hand. In the bathroom at work I heard a metallic ping. Draco was on the floor. Both chain and keyring were still intact, so I assume he just jumped off. He's rather sneaky. He went back to the bottom of my purse. So he may or may not have anything to tell us. We'll have to wait and see.

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