Friday, November 26, 2010

Winding Down, Planning Ahead

I just finished cleaning off my desk. It's the end of the year and I am tying up loose ends. I'm tossing old paperwork. I just paid one of my bills and put the rest that are due in my calendar. While I was at it, I made note of full moons and Celtic tree months (something new to try). I've also noted when to read the cards, when to search for Alchemy Projects on Etsy, and I added birthdays. I'm trying to keep it all together because life is a lot easier when I know what's coming.

I've made plans for future posts; one thing I decided to do are weekly sewing projects. Every week I'll either make a quilt block or something with plastic canvas. This will allow me to talk about correspondences and magickal stitching. I'm also thinking to doing a daily goddess thing, but I haven't worked out the details yet. The idea is to put as much magick into daily life as possible. That's what kitchen witches do, every single day we cast spells, weave in magick, communicate with the spirits. We don't wait for special holidays.

It's really getting cold here and is supposed to be even colder tomorrow so I think it's a good time for cast iron cookware magick. If you want to follow along, tonight I am going to scrub all my cast iron cookware so I can season it tomorrow. Even if the pot is rusty it can probably be saved. So scrub your old cast iron in scalding hot water, dry it off, and tomorrow it will be ready to go. All we will need is some Crisco, the oven, and maybe some tinfoil or a flat baking sheet to catch drips. I promise it's really easy.


Chrysalis said...

So, you are going to walk through the process of seasoning the cast iron, yes? Because the last time I tried to season a pan, I ended up with a lot of smoke and a sticky, gross pan! LOL! So I am excited to try it again with... um.. supervision.

FreeDragon said...

Yuck. Sounds like too high of heat or the wrong 'seasoning' This time should be better.