Thursday, November 25, 2010

And side-step here

Okay, I'm going to give thanks first, then I'm going off on a little side rant.

First, I'm So Thankful I am alive. Yes, I'm diabetic, and I almost died, but I got away from death and shuffled back to the land of the living. Whew!

Second, while life would be easier if I had a larger income, I am one of the few Americans living debt-free. How many people can say that? I have monthly bills and that's it!

Third, well third is everything! I can't list all the good things in my life- Kevin, my family, my dogs, I live in the country, I can create with my own two hands, I'm free to worship my Goddess, wow, the more I try to think of good things, the more I come up with.

I hate Thanksgiving. I hate the over-eating, the overly rich foods, the waste! I hate the drama. I hate the Black Friday sales because I think tomorrow will show the worst side of humanity- lots of lazy, fat Americans pushing and shoving to buy more STUFF. And they'll charge it to credit cards they can't pay off and most of the stuff will either be broken or forgotten in less than six months' time. I used to work at Sears and let me tell you, people cannot behave on Black Friday. That year was the ONLY time I've ever been at the mall the day after Thanksgiving and I can't think of a time when I've been more exhausted, fed-up, and mentally numb. I simply don't understand people who thrive on the thrill of grabbing up the last of this year's hot toy. If you're one of those people I strongly suggest that this year you stay home and play with your children. You'll give them a better memory of the holiday and it won't cost a thing.

But as much as I despise the holidays, I think it is important to be thankful for what you've got. No matter how bad your lot in life, you and you alone, have the power to make it better. It won't happen over night, and it won't be easy, but it can happen. Usually it happens when you take stock. Then you realize that you have the start of something! Got nothing? Then you have nowhere to go but up.

Now we're going to side-step so I can rant about Paranormal State. It's been bugging me. Why does everything on the show have to be about demons and devil worship? Why? They have a pagan on the team, seems like they would know better. And I'm sorry but why is the Wiccan the ugliest chick?

The show that's bothering me is the one about the old prison with the stained glass window in the tower featuring the inverted pentagram. As soon as the cardboard was pulled away to reveal the star, Ryan starts hollering devil worship. As soon as I saw it, I realized the prison was built on sacred geometry. I think whoever built the prison was trying to force the inhabitants to look inward and think about their crimes. Because that's the reason second degree witches wear inverted pentacles- you've mastered the outer forces, now master yourself.

Before I get a dozen comments, I know most of the 'activity' on the show is faked. I'm fine with that because I love a good ghost story! Go head, scare me! But don't annoy me by calling every shadow a demon.

Periodically A&E will run an all afternoon marathon of Paranormal State before broadcasting a new episode. And I will get disgusted after a couple of hours of demon, demon, demon, devil-worshiping/inverted anything. Can't they just tell the story without trying to shove their beliefs down every one's throat?

But it's okay, I don't have to watch Paranormal State. I like Celebrity Ghost Story better anyway.

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