Tuesday, August 24, 2010


today's zone is my sewing room, which we've sorta seen already. so i was thinking about posting a pic of one of my needlework projects. that will have to wait until this afternoon b/c i'm about to head off to the gym, and that's the deal with all lower case- i'm typing with 1 hand and eating breakfast with the other.

i may not get to a picture today b/c i need to go to the store, iron some fabric i dyed, finish laundry, and wash dishes. plus, i actually have to clean up in here at some point.

magically speaking tuesday is a fire day and the prefect time to try a new art or craft. if you've been wanting to learn something today would be the day to start.

today's card is deer. kevin told me there was the barest hint of a chill in the air this morning. to me deer all about fall. deer are gentle creatures that go about their own business. they will eat up the garden though, so today might be a good day to make sure no one tries to reap your rewards.

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