Saturday, August 21, 2010

It’s Thursday and I am writing this in hopes that on Saturday I will have Internet service in my house . That’s right, I’ve signed up for satellite internet. It is expensive but I don’t think I can do without anymore. Particularly now that I’ve started an Etsy shop, FreeDragon Fabrica. I wanted to just call it Fabrica, but that name is already taken. I didn’t want to have a shop, I wanted to do alchemy, which is sellers bidding on crafting jobs. But I had to have a shop to be an alchemist. I love being able to say I’m practicing alchemy. It’s so pagan.

But anyway, if the shop works, great. If it doesn’t, I haven’t really lost anything. All I want to do is generate extra income to build up my savings account. I know one day I’ll get fired from my ‘real’ job over stupid shit. Every single thing at my work is an uphill political battle. I had originally planned to quit in June, but the diabetic coma happened and I decided I really needed my insurance. I probably should have left anyway. I stayed out of work today because I just couldn’t think of a good reason to go in. All I could think of were problems and bad attitudes. I hate my job. Actually, I despise the company I work for and the people who run it. I don’t have a problem with the job, just assholes.

So I am embracing a new stage of my life. Each day I plan to blog. I’m going to TRY posting daily. I’m not promising anything because sometimes I’m just weary. Sometimes I feel like I just have too much on my plate. But the fastest way to create change is to live it. I want to make a living with my own hands so I start doing alchemy part time, then eventually I’ll be able to do it more and more until finally it’s how I earn a living. Nothing changes if I just whine without taking action.

Writing is good for me. It organizes my thoughts and makes me think about my life and how I want to live. I realize other people may benefit from a daily routine so I will be posting spells,
recipes, and thoughts. I find it difficult to keep a diary because my life is bigger than a few pages. Sometimes I can write for hours. I fill up pages, computer screens, and sheets of drawing paper. Sometimes I need a mental release and sometimes my ramblings lead to creative ideas.
The other problem with a diary is that it is meant to be written in daily. I have never been able to do this.

For a long time I kept journals. The problem with journals is that I wanted separate books for all the various subjects I deal with. I had books for witchcraft, binders for quilting, folders for art, notepads for all the general household stuff- bills, gardening, menus. I had books all over
the house and I never could find what I was looking for. Sometimes I’d rewrite the whole mess in an attempt at organization. This did nothing but lead to more notebooks as I further categorized my life.

I love my computer. I usually have 4 or 5 files open. I can drag, copy and paste, add pictures, scan my art, and see what other people are doing. I can type, delete, retype, edit and undo. For once everything is in one place even if it's not all in one file.

I really struggle with daily routines, so I think if I know people are expecting me to post I’ll be more likely to look at my control journal.

A control journal is not exactly a journal. It’s more like a life map. The control journal is a tool of the FlyLady. The FlyLady teaches people how to regain control of their lives by having daily routines. Specifically, by cleaning and maintaining the home.

It sounds a little anal oriented and maybe it is. However, the home is the beginning of all things. It makes sense for the home to be the most serene place possible. The FlyLady advocates
dividing the home into zones. Each week FlyBabies (FlyLady followers) focus on cleaning one
zone. The result is a completely clean, organized home.

I have adapted the FlyLady’s system. Because my house is so small, I focus on one zone per
day. If I don’t complete a zone in a day it’s alright because I’ll be back on it in a week. A long time ago I realized housework was a never-ending job. It doesn’t matter if I get done or not, just the simple act of living forces me to start over eternally.
Each day I plan to post the current zone. I will probably post pictures of my house because everybody gets a kick out of seeing inside people’s houses. Everybody thinks a witch’s house is mysterious and strange but mine is pretty ordinary.
Speaking of witchy stuff, each day I will also post a totem animal. Every day I read my Animal Message Cards. I draw one card and I look for that kind of energy in my day. The cards have become good indicators of what my day will be like. I realized there are some cards I have
never drawn so each day I will be posting a card in no particular order. This forces new energies into my life, helps me better bond with my cards (yes, bonding with a deck is vital for good
readings), and it allows my readers the chance to meld with totems outside their normal realm. When I get done with the animal cards I’ll go through my Dragon Tarot deck. Reconnecting is good too.
And since I’m a kitchen witch, I’ll show you how to give ordinary food a magical side. Later on when the weather cools I’ll show you how to season cast iron cookware. I’d like to do some posts about gardening but that probably won’t happen because I never seem to have the time to get
my hands in the dirt. I’ll probably have something to say about quilting. If you want to skip those I understand. Quilting blogs totally bore me.
So if you’re ready…
Enter Ye Into the House of Dragon…

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