Saturday, August 7, 2010


I haven't sold anything else since I made my $50, but I have made lots of things, prayer beads, necklaces, dyed fabric...and now I'm trying to finish Storm at Sea.

Storm at Sea is the name of a quilt pattern which is all straight lines. That appear curved. It's fairly simple, but the color placement makes it tricky. Pay attention! It's very easy to get the blocks flopped around.

I started Storm at Sea last year. Every time I work on it there's a storm. Lots of blowing wind, lightning, rolling thunder. Usually the power goes out. And I got my colors flipped around so I gave up.

But this past week I was looking for something a little more high end. I decided I need to sell to about 3 or 4 stores in order to build up my savings account. I just want a little cushion in case I get fired or my diabetes takes a turn for the worse. There's a store called the red door and it's all hand crafted things, but more on the art side. So I was looking for something with some 'wow' and I found my stack of storm at sea blocks.

I realized my mistake wasn't that bad. In fact, I could still make it work by constructing the quilt in the reverse order. Feeling optimistic, I got busy.

Lightning struck the fence post outside my sewing room window.

I'm going to finish the blocks today. There is no rain in the forecast. I'll tell you what gets struck by lightning.


nefaeria said...

Hi there! :) I hope that you are successful in your crafty venture. Are you selling things online?

FreeDragon said...

Nothing online yet. Still no internet at home so I can't get online every day- I'm afraid that would be adverse to sales.