Monday, August 23, 2010

Blah Monday

I woke up not feeling my best. I'm hot, then cold. I slept all night but feel tired and weak. I decided not to go to the gym today, but I am (sigh) going to work.

Today's zone is the bedroom. I'm sorry, but I'm just not posting a pic of my bed. It seems too personal. I will tell you that I have a beautiful, antique feather bed and it was handmade by my great-grandfather. This is the same man who turned a school building into his house. He was a farmer and he grew all of his food except the coffee.

Today's card- spider. I love spiders. Anything that eats bugs is good. Kevin hates spiders. I won't let him kill any in the house. I'll say, 'Be nice to Grandmother.' He thinks I'm nuts. But we don't have a bug problem.

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