Tuesday, May 18, 2010


First of all, I want to say to Muddy that I don't think you gave me bad advice. I think I was already diabetic and it was too late to do anything about it.

Now that I know more about my condition I can look back and see numerous symptoms. If I could only tell people one thing about diabetes it would be NEVER become so busy worrying about stupid bullshit that you forget to live. If you forget to live you are not paying attention to what your body is telling you and that's how I got in this whole mess.

Now I only worry about 3 things. They are 1.) my health and tied at 2.) are love and happiness.

See how this works- my dogs and my house fall under happiness. Kevin is in the love category and so is my family. Lunch falls under health so it is a Top Priority and from now on I take my lunch break at the same time every day and I will not be deterred. Work is NOT on my list of things to worry about because I don't love my job, it doesn't make me happy and it is sometimes adverse to my health. I no longer care if I am employed or not.

I also stopped worry about money. It just doesn't matter anymore. I don't care what people say about me. I don't care if there is a pile of dishes in the sink. I will do what I can do when I can do it and if it doesn't get done today I'm sure it will can wait until tomorrow.

I care about what I eat (health), what I read (happiness), and Kevin (love). Kevin and I have drawn closer together. We have agreed to take care of each other. While I was in the coma Kevin made some promises to God. He promised to quit smoking. He's not doing well. I think he promised God a few more things but he doesn't want to tell me about it. When I was in the hospital I vowed to tell him every single day that I love him. This is what is important, not my bank statement.

I have a new motto: Life is short but wide. I have decided I want to learn to play the guitar. I want to create beautiful things. I want a simple life and I am never, ever going to be in a hurry again.

Life is short but wide. Go live.

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