Monday, March 1, 2010

What's for dinner?

A while back I promised more stuff in the way of kitchen/witchery so now I'm making good on 1 promise.

Probably the smartest thing I have ever done in the kitchen is plan my meals for the week. First of all, it saves me from thinking about dinner. Second, it makes life a little easier b/c if Kevin comes home before me he can start dinner. Third, it saves money b/c I know exactly what to buy instead of wandering around Kroger wondering what to cook. Fourth, it's healthier b/c we actually eat full, balanced meals instead of nuking junk in the microwave.
I don't always follow my menus exactly. Sometimes I run late, I forget to buy an ingredient, the power goes out, Kevin changes his plans, or I'm sick and don't feel like cooking. For this reason I plan at least 2 alternates, usually frozen or canned food, that can easily be cooked at the last minute. Today, for instance, I stayed out of work (just didn't want to go) so I will be changing my plans for lunch.
My menus aren't fancy. Once a week, usually on a Saturday, I get the calendar and figure out mine and Kevin's work schedule. I save my menus to see what we had last. Sometimes I repeat a menu from a month ago so I don't actually have to figure anything out. To make things more simple I plan to have certain foods on particular days. Monday is beef night. Beef can be hamburgers, roast, Mexican, or steak. So I have some variety in my routine. I don't want to cook the same things over and over. I also want to try new dishes so Saturday is Slow Cooker day and that's when I try recipes from my slow cooker cook book. In the summer time I'll probably switch over to another cookbook.
I debated doing this menu post. At first I thought no one would be interested, but then I realized I would love it if someone planned my meals for me. It would save me a lot of work. So here's my plan for the next few days. I actually planned for Saturday and Sunday, but I didn't include them because those days are gone. Feel free to copy. If you want to know how I cook a dish, just ask.
Monday 3-1-10
Breakfast- hot pockets
Lunch- ham sandwiches
Supper- chili
Tuesday 3-2-10
Breakfast- oatmeal
Lunch- ham sandwiches
Supper- boiled chicken and rice
Wednesday 3-3-10
Breakfast- eggs and sausage (I cook this the night before and refrigerate it. I won't have time to scramble eggs before work)
Lunch- hot dogs and chips
Supper- Kevin cooks (Encourage other family members to cook. Everyone needs to be able to feed themselves. Kevin CAN cook, he just doesn't do it often. This doesn't prevent him from telling me how to cook which is why I prefer to cook in an empty house.)
And here is my list of days:
Sunday- leftovers
Monday- beef
Tuesday- Chicken
Wednesday- Sandwich or pizza (my pizza is homemade)
Thursday- Fish or pork
Friday- beef or chicken
Saturday- slow cooker

1 comment:

FlightFancy said...

Perfect post! It's so much more economical time wise and money wise to plan meals. I have to do that in 1 month plans, as we only get one paycheck at the beginning of the month. So I do the bulk of the food shipping in one trip. and the slow cooker is a best friend!