Friday, July 31, 2009

One more

One last family tidbit, then I think I'll move on to something else before I get depressed. I'll do the family cemetery post around Halloween- totally appropriate.

I was reading Muddy Water's post about her dad and it reminded me of Uncle Gem (yes, I spelled his name correctly)

Uncle Gem moved to Tennessee to work on the atomic bomb. I am assuming he worked in some kind of assembly type of plant. None of us know what he did exactly; he wasn't allowed to say. Before he died it must have weighed heavily on him soul because he often tried to justify it- 'Had to get them 'fore they got us.' He say that over and over. Then he'd say the bomb was a terrible thing, lots of people died.

Every time we asked him what he did, Gem would say, 'Can't ye!' And we'd say 'But it's over now.'

Gem would lean in close and whisper 'It's never over.'

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