Friday, July 17, 2009

It Really Does Work

I started being happy about Rhino's departure on a Monday. She came in rather late and left early. She did the same thing on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday her computer crashed so she got mad and left. She was out Friday, as well as the following Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. She came back on Friday and I barely saw her. In fact, it is almost as if she disappeared. I hardly ever see her. I rarely hear her now. Before her annoying screech of discontent drifted upstairs and through my closed office door. Now I can forget about her for long stretches of time. The accountants are circling her cleaning supplies, counting, counting, recounting...something is not adding up! Even Kevin has noticed a difference- he says Rhino tries to stay away from him. Before she would coming barrelling down the hall mowing down anyone fool enough to be in her way. When they happened to meet near the Break Room she stood back and let him pass. Amazing. Her husband has been strangely absent as well. Each time I walk past her I smile. I feel light. She glares at me like my very existence bothers her. I smile more. Think positive thoughts!

1 comment:

Living in Muddy Waters said...

Did you miss my serial killer story? I really wanted to hear your comments on it since you believe in shadow people too.