Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Heron vs Turtle

I used to write a lot. I wrote long narratives that didn't really go anywhere. I had evolved characters with no plot. I wrote poetry and actually got a little of it published in small press magazines. Words tumbled over themselves in a frantic effort to get to paper so I decided I must be a writer and I majored in English. At college there is naught to do but write which was great at first. I was learning, stretching, honing my craft. Then I got tired, but still I was required to write. And read. And analyze to goddamned death what I just wrote/read.

I'm heron person. I like to dabble. I fly to a lake, wander around the shore, go dip my toes in another pond. After I learn how something works it loses all its magick. I am content to just turn the key and drive. I don't want to know how many revolutions the engine makes or how exactly gas is combusted into fuel. I just click and surf. I don't want to study Hyper Text Markup Language. Save that for the otter, the catfish, the turtle, those deep divers who devote their lives to one little pond and can't imagine the big winding river.

I suck at writing now. I know this. I barely even dabble. My vocabulary has dried up to nothing. To make it worse I blog on a time limit and in my hurried efforts to post words are left out, sentence structure collapses and sometimes I don't even know what I'm talking about because I forgot what I wanted to say. I no longer have the luxury of sitting before the home computer, sipping coffee, recording the day's events as they transpire.


For 2 weeks I will be on vacation (I have 2 days left!) Suddenly I will have time for both reflection AND to drive to the library. So maybe I can actually take a crumpled pathetic structure and turn it into, dare I say, a sentence. Heck, it might even lead somewhere. Maybe.

Now that I've gotten my prose out of the way, I can tell you I TRIED to post pics of AJ. I have the disk and everything, but the computer won't read it. I think the drive is turned off so people can't download viruses onto a library computer. Smart for the library, kind of a bummer for me.
I finished the roll of film. Now I have to get it developed. Fortunately that doesn't take as long as trying to take 25 photographs.

I am out of Polaroid film. But I did get out the camera and library does have scanners, so one problem should be solved soon. Also, and I might have posted this already, I can't remember, the whole town is supposed to be getting high speed Internet service. Yay.

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