Sunday, March 29, 2009


I went straight to the house. Go me. I get lost in shopping centers.

Today I took my father to see the house. On the way we stopped at work and I showed him my office and the parts room. He didn’t seem all that interested which made me feel like he wasn’t very proud of me. I know I don’t have a high profile job, but I like my job and I’ve done a lot of work. I suppose the point I was trying to get across is that I feel a sense of belonging with the company but I think Dad missed it.

The house is in Tallapoosa County where my father’s family is from. He showed me lots of landmarks and shortcuts and we drove a good bit. I thought every thing was fine until we got back and then he told my mother how awful it was.

I don’t think the house is awful. I think the problem is I’m not moving back home. I am an only child. I am not the only child my parents wanted, I am the only child they could have. My parents tend to treat me as if I’m made of glass and incredibly stupid. Their coddling has made me fiercely independent. Kevin gets mad at me sometimes because I take on a lot without getting help, but the truth is it doesn’t occur to me to ask.

I’m really excited about moving back to the country. I don’t really have neighbors and that just thrills me to death. Part of what I don’t like about living here is I can stand in my living room and see into my neighbor’s bedroom. (And no, I live next door to a retired Black couple, there’s nothing interesting to watch.)

I’m happy because my new house is actually a house with a real yard, a covered porch, and trees. I like that the closest major highway is five miles away and not running through the front yard. This trailer is parallel to a federal highway and traffic is non-stop. Sometimes I think I’m going to have an accident trying to turn into my driveway because the cars don’t want to slow down. I put on the blinker well before I reach the house and people still try to run up the tailpipe. Sometimes they whip around me, horn blasting and finger extended as if going home is a major traffic impediment.

Kevin is excited about the move too. I will be closer to his house. He is planning a dog pen. He told me if I have everything boxed up he will move it all while I am at work. (This offer won several brownie points with my mom.) Kevin and I are happy about being closer to the river. He likes to fish and like to drink beer and ride in the boat. Now it won’t take half the day just to get to the water.

I like that the rent is only $25 more a month than I already pay. I like that I know my landlord and I know what kind of a person he is. I like the fact that the house has no carpet (allergy sufferers unite!) I like that my dogs are welcome. I’m allowed to plant a garden, how cool is that? I have more closet space. Okay, the kitchen sucks and there’s no Internet, but I can learn to adjust. I love that I’m moving to one of the oldest places in the state and it’s pretty.

I’m trying to overlook Dad’s bad attitude. After all, he complained bitterly when I moved into this place.

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