Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dragons, Seeds, and Quilting to Mozart

The gas company was supposed to come out yesterday and clean the furnace. At 11:15 I called because no one had shown up and no one had called. I was informed that the repair man had pushed back my appointment. Then the girl asked if we could do it Monday. I told her no, I would be at work Monday and I had taken the day off (Friday) so I really wanted my furnace cleaned that afternoon. She said someone would be out soon, but of course they weren't. What peeves me is Monday I scheduled the cleaning and ordered gas. Tuesday I called to double check the prices. Wednesday I went to the office and paid for the gas AND for cleaning the thermocouple which the trailer park was supposed to pay and didn't. On Thursday the gas was delivered. Every day this week someone in that office has spoken my name, so it's not like they forgot. And this is how they treat me after I pay a bill that has been delinquent for a year and wasn't even mine?!! Aaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh! So for now the dragon still rumbles under the house.

On a happier note I decided to plant some seeds. Yes I know it's the wrong season but I want to plant something, dammit. Yesterday I got some pots and arranged them along my steps and whenever it stops raining I'm going to plant poppies. I am working on the premise that the seeds will winter over and burst forth in the spring. If not it's ok because the seeds were free.
I did a little weeding yesterday (it's amazing how much work you can get done while waiting for a no-show) and discovered that my foxglove came back. Foxglove makes a beautiful tall tower of cone shaped flowers hence the folk name witch's thimbles. It is poisonous. It's also used to make heart medication, so it's not all bad. Foxglove doesn't do very well here due to the intense summer heat. I planted it 2 years ago and around late July my plants withered up and died. They didn't an appearance last year. I plan on putting drip irrigation around them. I'll let you know if that works.

It's raining here today so I decided it would be a good day for quilting. I put on some Mozart and pieced three rows. Then I noticed I slowed down so I took a break to post this. I think when I go back in my sewing room I should switch to music with a faster beat. Maybe rock 'n' roll.

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