Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Witch Wednesday With Beltaine Results

 Good morning, my dears! 

Totally random, but how cool is this old truck? Apparently this is a daily driver, not a car show entry because there weren't any other antique cars on the road that day.

I have been thinking about getting wooden crates for my Witchy books. I did not mention this to anyone. And on Beltaine, my husband brought home Coke crates. I put them in my altar, put my books inside, and I will use the top for spell workings. I would like to put a board across the crates so that nothing can spill onto my books. 

On Beltaine I planted lavender seeds. My sons had to help me pack the dirt into the pots. I need more dirt and more seeds. 

I wanted to put my geranium on the large hook, but the pots were too heavy; the weight kept pulling the hook over, despite how tightly we packed the dirt. So the geraniums went on hooks screwed into the shed walls. 

Also on Beltaine, I got a second geranium plant. I wanted another so that I would have two plants to go on the double hook in the lavender pots. I didn't mention this either. I just went to the grocery store, looked at the plants on a whim, and there was the geranium, very reasonably priced. 

I have more plants I would like to move over to my studio, but so far I have been physically unable to do it. I have been making my sons help me, but I have to wait until they are home. Managing tasks they are doing takes a lot out of me mentally. Sometimes I would rather do it myself than to nag them. But if I move the heavy stuff, I can't walk later. 

Which brings me to this picture- I bought a long handled dust pan. Total game-changer. I don't need to bend down anymore, so I am more willing to sweep. I will gladly sweep the entire house. Now the floors are cleaner. My House is happier. Everything looks nicer. It's wonderful. 

Instead of showing you the next card in my Dragon Tarot deck, I decided to change things up and pull a card from my Anne Stokes deck. I got the 10 of spades which is equal to the 10 of swords. Tens are generally wonderful cards meaning completion or the fulfillment of a goal/dream. The ten of swords/spades is the only 'bad' 10- it means something awful is finally over. This card shows the grim reaper, indicating a cycle has ended. Today I have seen several indicators of death, though I haven't figured out what ended. I'll figure it out eventually.

Blessed be.

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