Monday, May 8, 2023

More Whys

 So this past Wednesday I drew a 10 of spades, which I believe indicates an ending. On Friday I got a letter from my lawyer stating that the person who owns the truck that hit me couldn't be served because no one could find her. If she isn't found and served, the court drops my case. I am pissed off. I know she's still living in that house, she has just conveniently gone on a long vacation. This makes me wish I had gone to her house and beat the bitch into unconsciousness. No doubt charges would be filed against me, but somewhere in that she would get served by a deputy. I hate these people. I hate that stupid boy for speeding over the hill, hitting me, drastically altering my life, fleeing the accident, then his grandmother covers for him. These people have done nothing but lie and now they're hiding. Fuck you, you worthless fuckers.


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