Monday, February 27, 2023

Studio Progress

 Good morning, my dears. As most of you know, I have been trying to reclaim my studio. 

The outside needs pressure washing, badly.

I had one corner clean, but I had to move things over here in order to get to the other side.

I got a grand total of one shelf organized. Yay. Go me.

But I did get the table moved, AND I got some of my thread to the studio. I'm closer to being able to work in here.

My husband built a chicken coop, so we no longer have chicks in our bathroom. Super happy about that.

I wanted to show some art, but I didn't do much sewing. I did read the cards this morning. These two were left in the box. I think they reflect my issues of trying to build a home based business, as well as how things are presented. Feeling encouraged, I shuffled until a card fell out-

This I'm not sure about. Should I focus on organizing? Am I pinned to something boring? Should I pay more attention to how I classify things? Should I focus more on otherworldly beings? 

Since I got stumped, I moved on to a different deck. All of these cards were left behind in the box. This deck always shows me every thing, instead of what's the most important. Again, I had more questions than answers, so I just stopped trying to read the cards. In my ideal life, I would go out to my studio each morning, read the cards, then do a little work. I could go back in the house, do school work with my daughter, break for lunch, then return to the studio. Projects would work the way I planned them. I am a long way from that lifestyle. 

Blessed be. Stay safe. Be sure to come back on Witch Wednesday.

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