Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Witch Wednesday

 Good morning, my dears! I have a lot going on today, so let's jump in.

Today's card is XIX The Sun. Now first off, no one seems to understand Roman numerals. The Sun is the 19th card. 19 is a prime number, meaning it can only be divided by itself and the number 1. I should do a post about the symbolism on prime number cards because some interesting themes reoccur. But's that's another day.

I love The Sun card. It is everything good and wonderful. We have a lion, which reminds me of the season of Leo, when the summer is hottest. We have a red dragon holding a yin-yang. I think this is more about the light and dark half of the year, rather than finding balance between work and play. Sadly as adults we don't look forward to summer like children do. We just go to work regardless of the weather. 

There's sunflowers, which I love. I plant sunflowers in my garden. They are protective plants, besides being food. We have Stonehenge, where the sun aligns with stones on the solstices. We have lightning, and mountains, which hint at being volcanoes, but on closer inspection, we see those are pyramids. And of course, the Zodiac which is the Sun's journey around the earth. 

It's always nice to get the Sun in a reading, just like it is always nice to get the Star. I don't think the Sun has ever turned up for me during a difficult time. It is fitting that I am discussing The Sun today. As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I started designing fabric. Last night, I uploaded my first design to Spoonflower.

This is not what I wanted to do. I wanted to actually draw Celtic knots, and then make a quilt block of the knot. I have no tutorial for the knot I wanted. I tried uploading knots, then adding features in Paint, but while my program will let me add a photo, it won't let me add anything to it. Neither will Canva, unless I buy a membership to unlock features. My Word processor will let me add pictures and rotate/resize, but I have to save it as a document, meaning I can't upload my saved work to DeviantArt. So I played around with these spirals, printed out the document, and then I painted with watercolors. I took a picture of my painting, then uploaded that to Spoonflower. I am offering this as a fat quarter. When I took Middle Child to the doctor yesterday, I discovered that I could open a photo in my phone's Memo and color/write/draw whatever. All the things I was trying to do with Paint, but could not. I will be working in two different mediums- paper and computer. If I get too involved with paper, the design won't translate to fabric very well, and if I do too much with the computer then it doesn't look original. I don't believe this size is worth doing as a quilt block; quilt top, sure. 

But the important thing is I got started. My Spoonflower shop is open. I also put this on Facebook, and I got a positive response from other artists, so I feel good about that. I may put it on Instagram. I will need to add hashtags for it to be noticed by anyone. Instagram is becoming way too much effort. I am going to try to make a pin, though I don't expect much response. My pins never do anything. I think they get buried like my Instagram posts. 

I cleaned in the studio yesterday afternoon. I put my junk journal on my desk. I realized I need to set a time to work with the junk journal. I haven't done any spells with it in months. I want to get back to that work because I think it is important. I would rather Magick be spontaneous, but obviously if it isn't on my schedule I will forget. 

I read the cards yesterday. Everything was good, nothing shocking or bad lurking in the background. That was a relief. For a while I stopped reading. I just saw problem after problem with no end in sight. I got tired of dealing with it. 

I have managed to fill my days with household chores, my daughter's school, and art. I haven't figured out gardening. That area is definitely slacking. I feel bad about this, but I don't know what to do. Or course, right now it is too cold to do much, but I sense spring will come early and I want to be ready. 

Until next time, blessed be.

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