Monday, January 2, 2023


 This is a general recap of weekend events.

We let the kids stay up on New Year's Eve. I tried to stay awake, but nodded off. I woke up at 12:20. The house was dead silent. The kids apparently watched TV until midnight, then went to bed. Everyone was asleep. 

I found another trauma release thing. I did that yesterday. I don't think it has a name. Or maybe I missed that when I watched the video. Anyway, you put you hand against your naval and turn your hand counterclockwise. This 'untwists' the energy around your center. The thought being that we grow from the umbilical out, so every nerve ending comes back to the center. This is the first trauma release exercise I've seen that tells me why something works. I decided to give it a try, being that it was a new year.

I had gas all day, along with a strange pressure feeling in my stomach. All. Damn. Day. And most of the night. I wasn't hungry. I forced myself to eat. I did not want any alcohol, so for the first time in months, I had whiskey but did not drink. I see that this clearly did something. I sort of expected to wake up thinner. I feel and look the same. I have not done the release today because I don't want gas again. 

Another change I made was trying to move more. My ankles and wrists ached last night, I guess I did move more than usual. Once I actually got to sleep, I slept deeper than I usually do. 

This morning, I was supposed to take my mother to get a new battery for her truck. She wasn't home. I called her cell, she didn't answer. I tried to go to the library; they are still closed for New Year's. I went back to my mother's house. She still wasn't there. I don't know if she forgot, if she got mad because I didn't show up early enough, or if she decided to solve this problem herself. My husband did not want me to go. He felt like my mom would deliberately screw up the plan. And then she did, I just haven't been yelled at yet. 

I found the person I annoyed on Instagram has posted more videos. Some were really angry, some didn't make much sense, and some were just normal fiber arts. I thought when he was ranting at everyone, he may have been in manic mode. I was right. If your mental health is off key, don't post on social media. No good comes of this. I liked a few things, but I am not commenting on anybody's post. I am still more or less clearing notifications. I did scroll Facebook this morning. There was nothing new. All I saw were posts from NYE. I think I confused the algorithm. 

I changed my picture on this blog. The dragon is AI generated. I think AI is the magick of the modern world. That's how we do spells now. We search, then present something as our own, not fully understanding how it came to be. This is not much different from reading the cards, then seeing events play out exactly as the cards indicated. 

I worked on my journal cover. I started the cover last year. I felt like I should finish it. Every time I felt stuck, I hooped outside. I am still not finished, but I feel like the project's energy is flowing differently.

I took care of animals. I cleaned. I made decisions. I wrote in my journal A LOT. I'm trying to sort through my life. There's some things I just don't want to do anymore. I focused on small things that make me happy. I decided any happiness, regardless of how small, is worth having. 

Blessed be, my dears. Happy New Year. 

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