Friday, January 6, 2023

Life Improvements


I have been trying to exercise more. I hoop often, but I think I need something that takes a good chunk of time to be effective. I like going for walks, but I can't leave my teenagers unattended or they get into the liquor cabinet. None of my kids walk at the same pace I do, so either I am constantly telling them to slow down, or they wander annoyingly in front of me until I step on their heels. It's usually dark when my husband comes home, and I don't want to be outside with a flashlight because people are crazy. I don't really like walking down the road in daylight because people are crazy. I don't like walking through the woods because of snakes and bugs. So my husband got me a treadmill. 

Overall, I don't like treadmills. If I am walking, I think I should go somewhere. I read books on the treadmill to avoid boredom. I like to start off slow, then gradually increase the speed and incline. This treadmill starts off at an insane speed, like for jogging. I don't jog. I don't run, ever. I keep trying to turn it down, and then it will randomly shoot the speed up. The treadmill has been in my house two hours and I have yelled at it four times. 

I realize my husband was trying to help. I would rather have a walking pad. But I didn't vocalize what I was thinking, so this is what I'm stuck with. 

I intend to google the brand in hopes of finding an instruction manual, or at least some videos about how it works. I'm sure there's a setting, I just don't know what it is. 

I have the tools. That's an improvement. 

Blessed be, my dears.

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