Monday, May 24, 2021

Magick Monday

 Good morning, dear readers!

It was a rather hectic weekend. Stressful. A few times I really wanted to pack my bags and go where there are no people. About 90% of my troubles stemmed from the in-laws. I'm really tired of dealing with them, so I'm not talking about it anymore. I'll tell you about Magick instead.

First up, did you notice I updated my picture? This is my new altar. Well, not new, obviously. I just haven't used it for my practice before now. A more detailed post is coming, I promise.

Second, I moved my genteel stars. This one was really dusty. 

This star was on my mantle. I decided to redecorate my bedroom. I realized most of the things I have made in my house are in my daughter's room. The remedy is to make some things for my bedroom. My first project will be curtains. But I wanted something now, something to be a focal point, and something obviously my work. This star was made with Magick in mind. I carefully measured from the wall so that it would be perfectly centered. Every time I lay on my bed, I see this star, which prompts me to look at the other star, and then I remember why I made it. I am going to make at least one more genteel star. I want one in every corner of the room, but the fourth corner is my husband's domain, and he might have a different idea. Actually, the third corner is too, but I think he'll be okay with a star as long as I get his input about colors. If I make the third star, it will be a spell for his health and for him to have good luck.  

Not pictured is my bed. I cleaned the headboard, then applied furniture polish. I took a good look around the room and realized I have far too many unfinished projects laying about. Sleep is disturbed by unfinished business. I wrapped up two projects Saturday, and I am slowly working through the piles. My goal is to make everything fit in either my altar cabinet or my project storage box in the living room. I want to be able to put everything away at the end of the day. 

Now, for the most interesting part- when tools speak. I did a lot of driving this weekend. I got to visit Tallapoosa County, which is where I consider my true home to be, even though I wasn't born there and I only lived in the county for a few short years. I feel at home whenever I cross the county line. I sometimes long for the Tallapoosa river. I love to visit. The land speaks to me. She tells me I belong.

Sunday I drove to Valley to pick up my daughter. I hadn't driven very far from my house. I started thinking about the weekend and all that had happened. I thought of Tallapoosa County and wondered how much of what I knew could be found on a map. Suddenly my duck fell down. I charmed the duck to be my navigator. No matter where I go, I will be able to find my way home. I thought it was a bit funny that the duck fell when I thought of a map. I wondered what that meant. I decided to cleanse the duck and re-empower it. I decided to hang the duck back up until I had time to do everything properly. As soon as I had that thought, the hook fell. It slid down between the seat and the console. I couldn't find the S hook. 

I started thinking more about maps. Maybe I need to set some boundaries. Maybe I need to figure out when I am moving back to Tallapoosa County. But really, maps came to mind again and again. I wondered how many times I had witnessed an omen like the duck falling.

And then I got the idea to make a map of my practice- where I have cast spells or seen a ghost. Where I have seen strange things. Where special plants grow. Where cemeteries are. I realized if I mapped everything out, I might notice patterns. What if all my ghost sightings are in a straight line or they happen past a particular point? What if my house is centered between cemeteries or cross roads and I just never noticed? 

It got me to thinking about where things occur. Am I really The Witch of This Place if I don't know what is going on around me? 

I thought I would start with a county map, pinpoint a few places, and then move on to drawing more detailed, smaller maps of certain places. I imagine this will take a long time. I thought I could start with mind maps which is where you write one thing, then start writing all the associations with that thing. Mind maps are messy, mine usually go far off the page, then I am forced to start another. But they are fun to do, and usually things I wasn't aware of pop up. 

I will post more as things progress. I might make several different kinds of maps, because I also want to map where magickal plants grow. I do have a Tarot post scheduled for Wednesday. If I don't write tomorrow, blessed be.

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