Thursday, August 15, 2019

How Things Are Going

1. I finally figured out what activity makes me happy- magick. Even if I am casting a spell to solve a problem. Yay! It's just one thing, but it's a start. I like the entire process from start to finish, and I like how I feel both during and after. I think I need a job with a purpose rather than mindless work.

2. Yesterday I was looking for a particular kind of spell in The Goodly Spellbook and I realized there's a lot in that book I want to try. It's been some years since I've read it cover to cover. I kept it as a reference book. My plan is to read a bit each day, then do what makes me happy.

3. I want to do Magick in my garden. I feel this is important. We found a home for one of our roosters so I have turned his pen into a very large compost bin. I think compost is the most important aspect of gardening.

4. The school the boys are currently enrolled in is far better than I thought. I have met teachers and all were eager to talk to me and encouraged me to stay in contact AND they want me aware of classroom assignments. This is a far cry from the last school which never called when there was a problem.

5. My daughter's school is even better. I love everything about it. She is doing very well.

6. The boys are cooking more. I hate cooking. On the rare occasions when I cook, I turn the process into a ritual. That makes it more bearable.

7. I keep trying to read up on alchemy but I'm not finding anything useful.

8. Rune studies are going very well. I am amazed by how well they reflect events in my life. I'm also amazed by how events play out. Some times I draw a rune, think it doesn't apply, then suddenly at the end of day something happens which exactly matches the rune's meaning.

9. Card reading is going well. Lately all the cards have been positive. I tried card spells, though I don't think they've worked.

10. On Fridays I do rune spells because weekends are stressful for us. Slowly, problems are being solved, but I still have much work to do. But there is hope, so I struggle on.

11. Sewing isn't happening right now. Taking my daughter to school, then picking her up a mere 3 hours later is simply confusing and too time intensive to schedule anything else. Sewing in the car line isn't practical unless someone else is driving. I trust I will eventually figure it out.

12. We are going to build a pond in the front yard for our ducks. Maybe even get koi fish. I think I'm turning into my granddaddy. He had tons of fish. He filled his shop with tanks and bought every kind of goldfish there is. In the summer he put them into his pond in the front yard.

13. I have declared weekends to be Facebook free. I don't log in. I don't look. I pretend Facebook doesn't exist. I am much happier.

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