Friday, August 23, 2019


It has been quite the week. I read a tweet some time ago that there was no need to speculate on what you would have done during WWII to fight natzis. Whatever you're doing now is what you would have done then. We tend to forget ordinary life still occurs during difficult times.

Sometimes, no make that often, I hear news so terrible I can't comprehend it. I was floored to learn the Amazon rain forest is burning. I was more shocked to learn it had been burning for weeks. I just assumed it was a wildfire, but no, fires have increased 80% since Brazil's latest president took office and gave an open invitation to loggers. In other words, we are killing ourselves out of profit driven spite. And I just can't understand it, I don't understand why people want to take and take from the earth, but never put anything back. It is a total self-centered live only in the moment attitude, with the utter lack of regard for what will happen next.

I can't comprehend why people would rather see the world burn than save the trees that protect us all. I can't mentally gasp this anymore than I understand why children are being kept in cages in the United States. While still reeling from one shock after another I read that Trump wants to buy Greenland. Wait, what? That's a joke, right? Isn't it?

I don't understand this world at all.

I'm trying to make sense of my world. I have been compelled to do garden magick. This is a lot of work. I've let the weeding go. I've let the whole garden go. And yet, some of my plants are thriving.

I feel better in the garden. I don't think the garden needs me. I think my soul needs the garden. This is my connection to the rest of the earth. If I influence my yard I can influence my neighborhood, then my community, then my town. Then maybe my district, then my county. Maybe my state, then my region, and maybe, if enough of us banded together, the country would never need suffer through another president as bad as that orange bitch.

I was reading a Witch's blog this morning, and she mentioned people being called to learn plants. It seems there is an awakening. People are connecting in small ways. But small leads to big.

I have a garden post coming. Several, actually. This is the new resistance.

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