Monday, July 15, 2019

It's Just Another Magick Monday

As usual, I didn't have time to write and schedule a post over the weekend. I planned to do one about using tarot cards as spells. Though now that I think about it, I'm not sure it would be much of a post. All you need is the image of a card. I say image because I don't want to ruin my decks. I photograph, scan, or use a copier. Cards that I want to use for luck I make the photograph my lock screen on my phone. Every time I unlock it, I remember luck.

Put the ace of swords under your door mat to prevent unwanted persons from entering your home. Carry your favorite card to increase personal power. Carry the ace of pentacles in your wallet to increase prosperity.

Choose a court card to represent a person you don't like. Write on the card the fate you wish them to suffer. Leave at a crossroads and don't look back. If you want the person out of your life, mail the card to the worst place on the planet. For the love of the Goddess, don't put your return address on the envelope or the person will come right back in your life. If you think mailing the card is too risky, burn it instead.

To attract a lover select 2 cards, 1 for them and 1 for yourself. Place the cards facing each other and wrap red string around the cards. Leave under your mattress.

And that's about it for card spells. See, it wasn't a long post at all.

I've been working with Runes. I'm trying to draw 1 each day. I note how the rune makes me feel, then I read the meaning. I've noticed if I feel bad there is a block/obstacle to overcome. Feeling good often means an achievement. Sometimes I cannot see how the meaning applies to me. Friday I drew the rune that meant war horse. Throughout the day, I tried to see situations as battles- should I charge forward or retreat? Is this worth fighting for? Am I being attacked? Thinking with that perspective probably saved me a good bit of stress.

Runes are more utilized in spell work because their simple lines make them easy to carve into candles. Just like with cards, you can carry a rune to gain its Magick. You can draw them on objects for protection, prosperity, or love. Runes can be easily combined for complex spells. Multiple cards can be used together. Lay out cards so that events fall into sequence to reach the desired outcome. And of course, there is nothing wrong with drawing runes on a Tarot card. I do this when I get cards I believe indicates a negative fate. I ask that the rune helps me defuse the problem into a positive outcome.

Today I drew Gebo, the rune of gift. Gebo represents happiness, boons, and being treated fairly in partnerships. I was thinking about jobs when I drew it because I really need a job. I'm going to focus on finding a job that makes me happy. I've been worried about money, and how me working outside of the home affects my family. Gebo is about these things, too. I feel more confident now.
I place Gebo under my crystal ball to manifest its influence into my life. I need all the good gifts I can get.

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