Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Was Awesome

Actually, nothing happened. That was the awesomeness. No in-laws in the house. I love that salt and lemon juice spell. Now I want to try more spells from that book just to see how they work.

The sad part was my daughter-in-law did not come by. I like her, I like when she's here, so I was disappointed. But, she has a lot of drama going on. She has roommates from hell who are starting to take advantage of their free ride and it is wearing on her nerves. Being that it was a holiday weekend, she was allowing her child's biological father to visit, which of course caused friction. I feel bad for her, but I see how my cleansing spell prevented extra stress for us, and really I am relieved. I've had enough. I don't want to deal with anyone else's problems.

The boys attended church as usual. They got nothing out of it. They came home not understanding Easter. My mother-in-law failed to do what we asked her- talk to the boys and make sure they understand what is going on. We made a decision to let the boys attend other churches. Every other Sunday they will try a new church until they find one they like. Then they can decide where they want to go. Will hasn't told his parents yet. He knows this is about to turn into drama. His mother is going to be hurt. But, we gave her the option of teaching the boys about her religion and she did nothing. I have told the boys I don't care what religion they choose, but if they're going to practice one they must understand what it is about. I will not allow them to mindlessly go through empty motions.

I have decided not to teach them Witchcraft. I don't think they're mature enough. I would like them to be open minded enough to understand there is more than one path, and they should be respectful of others as they progress. Right now I think even that's a stretch for them. I think they're a little too hung up on good vs bad.

I do intend to take them to the local Buddhist church because I want them to know there are a multitude of people with many belief systems. I've been at the gas station next door to the church on Sundays. I was enthralled watching the worshippers go in. The men are boring in typical slacks and button up shirts, but the women were stunning in traditional East Indian saris. They looked like goddesses with boring human attendants. I immediately wanted to go in to see the statue of Buddha surrounded by incense.

I'm pretty sure mother-in-law will view this as abandoning jeasus. The boys are already concerned that they will hurt the congregation's feelings by leaving. I don't like the guilting and I wish churches didn't pull that stunt. We're probably going to hit that wall several times.

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