Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Life Notes

I still haven't settled on a ritual of weaving/knotting other than deciding it should be weekly as I have too much to keep up with.

I did get my desktop computer turned on and I have been listening to my cds. My daughter really likes the music. I'm going to play music most of the day. I think it helps. I'm using meditation cds at the moment.

I've been reading the cards each day. Yesterday's reading was about love. I wrote down what I love, not just who I love, but what I love to do. Then I spent the day focusing on those things. I think it helped me have a good day.

I am in the middle of spring cleaning. I have been cleaning the living room for 3 days. I am astounded at how dirty the house has gotten. I moved the stereo and found a thick line of sticky dust. I decided to spend as long as it takes in each room until the whole house is clean. The house is already starting to feel lighter.

The chickens are now laying so many eggs that I am planning menus around egg recipes. I have let the chickens roam around the yard for the last 2 days and they are doing an impressive job of both eating bugs clearing weeds.

Not much is happening with sewing. I seem to be in a slump. I am sewing every day, but I am not satisfied with the results. I think things will improve as life gets better.

Last, but not least, I am drawn to work with my pendulum. I have found several useful charts. I decided to do practice exercises again. I tried finding cards this morning. I drew the 7 of diamonds to be my target. I then drew one other card without looking at it. I laid them face down and shuffled until I didn't know which was the 7. I held the pendulum over the back of each and asked if it was the 7. I did not get the correct answer any of the times I tried. It was frustrating. I don't know how to practice without confirming accuracy short of dowsing and even then I need a target to find. I may try seeing what the pendulum does when held over magnets, water, or crystals.

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