Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Latest Threads

This morning I have been working on design and logos for our have store, will travel project. I thought at first this would be nearly all about my work, but over the weekend Will told his sister we would be selling his metalsmith pieces as well. I'm very pleased that he's thought about it. My husband is a good artist. I think he could earn a living from it, but he's never put forth enough effort. I don't think anyone really encouraged him, which is odd because his father majored in art.

Anyway, I have settled on colors and background. I have a theme. I have the first inklings on how to make my banners, flags, and signs. I am going to have a dragon, but I haven't decided much about him other than he will be gold.

And that's what is keeping me going. My children are driving me nuts.

Oldest son has been given a curfew by the parole officer. Last week. He hasn't made curfew yet. He left the house Friday morning and did not return until Monday afternoon.

Second oldest is stressed by all the yelling, so he is staying away from the house. Which means his chores aren't done and I never get a chance to ask him anything.

Third son won't dress himself properly or bathe.

Youngest son is still struggling with allergies, to the point that his eyes swell shut. His appointment for allergy testing is still 2 weeks away.

And my little daughter is in terrible twos.

My husband broke a tooth, he needs a double root canal and doctor wants $188 tomorrow. We have no idea how to pay the bill.

I have an appointment today to find out if I am a candidate for a new insulin pump. A few days ago, I read about a diabetes vaccine. It sounds like a real thing. Unfortunately, no medical professional will discuss it with me. I get that. I have been hearing about "cures" ever since I became diabetic 7 years ago. But if it's actually true, it seems that the drug would already be in demand, even if it's still in testing trials. Part of me fears the vaccine isn't real and part of me knows the only profit is in treatment not cures and that sickens me.

As for everything else-
I am reading the cards every day. This helps a lot. I think about what I see in the cards and if I can't solve a problem I at least figure out how to deal with it.

I wear protective jewelry every day. Despite all the things I am currently dealing with, I am getting through them, I do not feel beat down, and quite a few times I have been very lucky in obtaining what I need when I need it.

I stopped negotiating in spell work. I just work to reach goals without stressing how it will happen or who will be effected. On the few times my spells had a negative result, I learned that person was up to no good.

Banishing has paid off. It's not permanent, but the troublemaker isn't here.

Now, I have sewing to do. I have another deadline coming up.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Positive thoughts! The Universe has a plan.....