Friday, January 25, 2013

Bobbing Bits

I have real posts coming- one is about storm magick. Actually, weather magick in general, but storms sound so much more exciting, don't you think?

Queen killed a pole cat. I thought it was a skunk because of the smell, but Kurt found the remains which weren't black and white. I decided it must be a pole cat. I have never actually seen a pole cat, I just knew it was a smelly skunk-like creature. I googled pole cat in images and was shocked to see pole cats are ferrets. I had no idea ferrets even lived in this part of the country. This might be what my father always called a weasel. Or maybe this is the little river otter thing I've seen under the bridge near Martin Dam. But whatever it was, it still stinks to the high heavens.

I'm working. A lot.

Music Monday will end. I get almost no hits on those posts so I must assume you don't like the same songs I do. I have one more scheduled and then that's it, no more.

Energy is in flux here. I don't know what, exactly, that means, but I do feel a building up, a shifting. I would like to know what others are sensing.

Still can't post pictures. Maybe when I finally get to the library I can try from a different computer...

1 comment:

Chrysalis said...

Yes, I feel the energy shifting, too. Not sure what it means, or how it's shifting, but something is amiss..