Monday, September 17, 2012

Something Out of Nothing

I'm writing about real cooking and kitchen witchery today. Some people think 'real cooking' involves the stove rather than the microwave. That's not the subject. And I didn't do any magick per se, unless you think food appearing in a previously empty refrigerator is magick.

This weekend was another just-scrap-by phase. We had a little money, not much, and other bills are coming, so we decided not to spend it. Kurt informed me there was nothing to eat. What he meant was he had no already prepared food to nuke in the microwave. First, let me say the man eats. A lot. And I did cook on Thursday night. The food just didn't stand a chance. I made slow cooker skillet breakfast (the recipe is currently on my Kitchen Witch page of this blog). My intention was to have a filling breakfast for two days. As soon as the food was done, I put some in storage bowls. I gave some to Kurt and since I was hungry, I ate a little myself. While I was eating, Kurt carried his empty bowl to the kitchen. Silly me, I thought he was putting it in the sink. Which he did, but then he grabbed one of the storage bowls and ate a second helping. In the end, I had one pitiful little bowl. I only got that because I intervened before he ate thirds and fourths. So much for cooking ahead.

Kurt wanted to go to Burger King on Sunday. That cost money. I said no. He was convinced we would starve to death. Time to cook what we had.

I had one hot dog bun. I split it, added melted butter, garlic powder, fresh basil leaves, and cheese. Toast in the oven until the cheese is melted and it's cheesy herb bread.

I had broccoli and bell peppers. I chopped the peppers and steamed the broccoli. I intended to add the last of the bacon but I couldn't because somebody thinks bacon is a snack. Bacon is the perfect addition to a sandwich. Bacon is one of the things that makes salad tolerable. Bacon is married to cheddar. Bacon is breakfast. BACON IS NOT A FREAKIN' SNACK. (grumble) I used the last of the lunch meat ham instead. About 85% of the time, ham and bacon are interchangeable. I'm not telling Kurt or he'll snack on ham too. If I had thought about it, I would have added hard-boiled eggs but I didn't think about it until I sat down and by then I was hungry.

After dinner, I made salmon salad. Just like tuna salad but with canned salmon instead of tuna. That is tonight's dinner. I intend to make biscuits later today but Kurt loves my biscuits so they'll probably be snacks too. We'll have money this afternoon. I'll buy food tomorrow or the next day. I think I can get one more cook-what-we-got dinner out of my cabinets. Why am I making do instead of running to the store? The longer I put off spending money, the more money we'll have at the end of the week.

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