Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I finally got a weekend off. A whole weekend. It was like winning the lottery, I just didn't know how to handle it.

The first thing I did was clean out my kitchen cabinets. And I gardened. Oh, the joy of being outside! Kurt and I both worked in the yard during the cool evening. I pulled weeds, put out fertilizer, laid down mulch, and was generous with the water. He trimmed limbs, burned brush, and cut grass. We are thinking about expanding our garden, maybe planting a tree or two.

I took a personal day Monday. It was the only way to go job hunting. I worked so many hours last week, I'd come home exhausted, fall into bed as the sun rose, not sleep well, then groggily drag myself out of bed unable to think or function. Before I knew it- time to go back to work. I had planned to go last Thursday, but I had a doctor's appointment (A1C was perfect, thank you!) and by the time I got out, my sugar was dropping. After spending an eternity in a drive-thru, I realized when I got to my interview, I'd have to leave to avoid being late for work.

The interview was a bit of a let down. I had been hyped up about it, thinking I'd be hired on the spot and then my problems would be solved. Nothing happened really, I answered questions, signed a few papers and that was it.

Over the weekend, I was about 95% certain I was going to quit.  I really, really thought about how miserable I am, the problems with my sugar (I awoke with low sugars three days last week), and the abysmal hours. My main concern is money. I have no idea how long it will take to find another job. Then I realized that despite all the hours I put in, I really don't make much. And that cinched it for me. I'd rather be poor and happy than miserable and broke.

Right now, I am snug in my little house. It is raining and much cooler, a relief to the blistering hot summer. My house is clean. My garden looks great. Kurt is sleeping. I have began adjusting myself to days. I got up at ten am instead of noon. Today I will start adjusting my insulin schedule. Hopefully by the end of next week, I will be beginning my day at 6am. I am very happy. I understand I have some problems ahead, but I believe I am heading to a better place, so I am confident I can work through them.

Are you happy?


Kat of EmKatCreations said...

You quit?! That's so exciting and scary but potentially such a better situation for your health. Best wishes on the job hunting!

FreeDragon said...

Yep. Just up and quit.

Chrysalis said...

I admire that. Go you!

FreeDragon said...

Kurt got a job today, he starts in the morning. He also has a part time job lined up for the end of August. I decided if i get a job, good. If I don't, oh well. If I do go back to work, I'll probably just work long enough to build up the savings account.