Sunday, June 10, 2012

Vacation Day 2

I took a walk today. I don't know what this flower is, but it's strange and beautiful. I may bring one home to see how it grows. Oh yeah, I walked in the rain because I dig getting wet.
After my walk, I weeded and pruned my mini roses.
Then I cleaned the porch. I mean, I scrubbed the outside walls of the house. This is my chair which is in dire need of another coat of paint.
This is my goddess that I wrote about yesterday. She loves to spin. I had to hold her still for the picture.

While I was improving my porch, Tallapoosa County was under a tornado watch. I had no clue until I went to Salem to visit my parents and they asked about the 'bad weather.' Evidently my storm protection spell is still working.

I have emptied trash, washed dishes, and swept the floor. I didn't sleep as much today. I guess I am closer to functioning like a normal person instead of a stressed-out blob of frazzledness.

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