Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oh Happy Day!

WooHoo! Last night I was moved to another line! Yay! I wasn't even tired when I got off work and my sugar stayed nice and steady!

I've worked on this line before, so 'training' was just seeing the little odds and ends that were different. I cannot tell you how relaxing it was to just work and not worry about what someone might be saying about me behind my back. I feel so much better now.

There is only one little detail that concerns me- Mr. Dragon is now my team leader. Now the man can be moody and strange and times, but he IS a good team leader. He's fair, honest, and reasonable. He's very particular about everything being done by the book, but as long as you do your job, he'll leave you alone and let you work. I'm just wondering how he's going to behave on a personal level. I didn't ask for his line, I just asked to be moved. But I'm so happy to be out of my old department, I can deal with whatever strange feelings pop up.

:blissful, relieved sigh:

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