Monday, December 19, 2011

Prepare for Change

As I said a couple of weeks ago, I am taking part in Silver Ravenwolf's Release Challenge. My house was already fairly clutter-free, but I have pared down even more. I got rid of a duffel bag full of old purses and tote bags. I tossed shoes that hurt my feet and I am slowly going through my clothes, getting rid of things I don't wear. I have a few things I have never even worn. Kevin and I were going to visit my family in Savannah. I envisioned parties, clubs, dinner and dancing. I bought new outfits, then became diabetic, landed in ICU, so the trip never happened. If anyone is interested, I would be willing to sell these clothes. I'd post them in my Etsy shop. Leave a comment if this sounds like a good idea. The purses are gone to Goodwill, so don't ask. I didn't want to list every thing because I knew some of it wouldn't sell. The point was to release, not shuffle items around.

The biggest change has been with my desk. I finally cleaned it off. I organized my papers. I mean, really and truly, I did it this time. The only two items laying out are what I'm currently working on. Everything else is neatly filed away. This was only possible because I threw things out. What did I throw away? I don't remember. Clearly I didn't need it.

I am trying to change the way I sew. I am determined to finish more of my projects. Instead of hopping back and forth between quilts when I am bored, I am plodding on to the end. I still work on a few different things at a time, but I will not switch projects until I complete a stage. One whole block was to be done before I can pick up my embroidery.

I am also trying to produce items of higher quality. Sometimes I make several small, quick items to sell instead of devoting the time to something big and beautiful. I might have to hang on to big and beautiful for a long time before someone buys it. Well, so what? It's not like my sewing is my main source of income. I can afford to let a big quilt linger in the fabric closet for a while.

I came up with ideas for new Celtic knot stuff, but I don't know yet if it will work. If it does, I'll have new things for my Etsy shop. If it doesn't work, I haven't lost anything. No stress.

I've decided to start doing giveaways on this blog. I am waiting until I get a post office box because I'm sorry folks, I'm not giving out my home address.

I am undecided about getting a Facebook page for my Etsy shop. On the one hand, I want to promote the business, on the other, I think Facebook is a horrid way for people to gossip and be nasty. My mother's family stays on Facebook studying each other's pages and trying to ferret out secrets based on who's in what photo. I do not need that in my life. The odds of them finding me through my shop's page are slim, but I don't know if I can take a chance.

The last change will be in gardening. (I ordered THREE catalogs of garden porn last night!) Every spring I work myself to death trying to have the nicest yard in Alabama. Every year I fail because my eyes are bigger than my life. I get tired. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough money. I have to work. The weather doesn't cooperate. This season I'm starting now. Even though it is too cold, I have already arranged the front porch. See, I want some ivy and a gazing ball. I decided where the ball should be. And I will lay money aside to buy the ball, and the ivy, so when it is warm I'll be ready. I will also start building boxes. For my container gardens, I will set the pots in place, then slowly buy the potting soil. By the time spring arrives, I will be ready to plant. I won't need to hunt for more flower pots or cut the grocery budget. Maybe this year I can actually grow food. I have my eye on raspberry plants.

I've considered a few more changes, but haven't yet worked out details, or even if it's a good idea. I've tried in the past to raise worms for my garden, but I've never had any success. I think my problem is the container I always choose isn't suitable. I think I need to buy a system that comes with everything, if such a thing is sold.

I'd also like some chickens. I love fresh eggs. And I'd feel considerably safer eating a chicken I raised instead of a maybe-contaminated-with-e. coli chicken from the store. What's holding me back are SNAKES. I can make a chicken pen safe from skunks, raccoons, and hawks, but I know of no way to keep out a snake. For Goddess' sake, a rattlesnake was in the DOG pen. Of course one will go in a chicken pen. Snakes like fresh eggs and chickens better than I do.

1 comment:

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

So industrious, I am envious. Keep us updated please.