Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Man Hunting- Not the Catch I Wanted

I don't know about you, but the men I am attracted to I rarely meet in real life. I'm looking for a handsome, kind, honest man. I'm picturing someone with black hair, beautiful eyes, and washboard abs. A state trooper, a firefighter, game warden, or some big, burly, manly guy. What normally comes my way is a lazy slob with an immense beer gut and an opposition to showering daily.

Depressed? Oh, sadly, YES.

Last night as I was leaving, one of the men stopped me in the parking lot. He told me I should come to the pavilion at break and socialize with him and his friends. I'm really confused because I thought this guy was married to Anna. Worse, I like Anna.

Anna used to work on my line. We got along well. She's smart and funny. She's young, has a one year old, and I thought her husband worked out there too because Anna was complaining about Nicki. Anna said Nicki was so slutty she wouldn't let her husband even say 'hi' to her. Anna used to spend a lot of time with the guy who talked me to last night. They took breaks together. But I noticed they arrived to work in separate cars. Maybe it's not her husband. But if he isn't, who is? I can't ask Anna because she doesn't work there anymore. Did Anna already know Nicki? Did Anna's husband drop her off one day and Anna said, 'OMG, there's that slut Nicki, DON'T YOU EVEN LOOK AT HER!'

I don't want to fool around with Anna's guy. But what if this guy is her brother or cousin or something? I can't ask Nicki, she doesn't work there anymore either. I don't know who would know. And it gets more complicated. (You didn't think this was simple, did you? The Universe provides me with chaos just so I can have blog material.) The guy looks alright. He's not of the beer gut variety. But his friends are. What if one of them sent him to invite me over and when I get to the pavilion some leering, nasty, tobacco chewing redneck will be like, 'What's yore name, Sweet Thang?' Ewwwww. And if it was just his idea, because after all, the others haven't really spoken to me, it's still a problem because he's younger than me, maybe like ten years younger, and I wanted a man my age or older. I don't fool around with boys, I want a MAN.

I am so confused.

Part of me thinks I should go to the pavilion, but not right away, don't want to look desperate, if I go I'll find out what's going on, but another part of me wants to hold out until a better guy comes along. But if I am more sociable, I'll meet more people, thus increasing my chances of meeting someone nice. But I don't want to piss off Anna. What if she pulls up in the parking lot one day and demands to know why I am talking to her husband? But if that's her man, how come I never saw them arrive in the same car? I never saw them kiss, hug, or hold hands. She never said, This is my husband. But then, why were they always together? Did they break up? I know the baby didn't belong to her husband. But then why did they marry? Would the real husband please speak up so I'll know whether or not to sit under the damn pavilion?!

Oh yeah, I finally got up the nerve to talk to Mr. Eyes. He's married. (grumble)

1 comment:

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

Boys suck!

I say follow your instincts about going to the pavilion in a little bit and it's possible you may be pleasantly surprised. Oh, and it's probable the age thing is less of a big deal than you'd think.