Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Know it's Dauber, Not Dobber

I said I was tired. That's been bothering me all day. I know what dirt daubers are, I swear.

I'm tired today too. Payday is Thursday. I didn't get paid. The guy who normally hands out checks was absent from work so a conniving bitch woman I went to school with filled in for him. I saw her three times. I know she saw me. I never could catch her. Every time I started in her direction, she hurried off like I had the plague. Finally, I sent my team leader to get my money. Team leader comes back, says former classmate is gone. Five of us didn't get our paychecks. Classmate claims she didn't know who those five people were, so oh well.


I KNOW she knows me. She has known me since junior high. I know she pulled this stunt deliberately because it's the same sort of thing she did when we were young. She liked to hang with the mean girls. She doesn't know the mean girls often made fun of her behind her back for being fat. And I think that's why she never liked me, I've always been skinny.

Today I had to get up early to track down my money. I was afraid to wait until I went in to work because if she left early on a Thursday, then there is no doubt she will leave early on a Friday, especially since it's the Friday the plant shuts down for the holidays.

I had to make three phone calls to locate my check. Then I had to go to work to get it. And the damn checks were in the office the whole time, which means if the classmate had given this information to the team leaders, we could have been paid on Thursday like everyone else. After I got my check, I had to go back to town to cash it so I'd have money. When I got done with this mess, it was too late to go home, but too early to go to work.

Since my routine was thrown off, I have been absent-minded. First, I forgot about my mirror until I got in the truck. I didn't feel like dragging it in the house, so this giant antique has been riding around with me all day. I remembered to pack a lunch, but forgot emergency rations in case my sugar dropped. And I completely forgot about the office party which means I ended up eating food loaded with carbs so I wouldn't hurt my team leader's feelings after she cooked a meal for people who really don't like her. I didn't need that lunch I packed after all.

I stopped on the way home to buy a bottle of rum. I think I've earned it.

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