Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Upcoming Stuff

I have not one, but TWO days off for Thanksgiving! I may have the weekend as well, but right now that's up in the air. Probably I'll find out Wednesday night. Just a side not- if you ever work for Koreans they do not like to say how long, or when you will work, in advance. I usually don't know when my shift will end until I've worked at least half way through it. This makes it hell to actually plan anything.

I decided the most important thing I needed to do on my holiday is let my dogs run. The cool autumn air is invigorating them. We are going for a long walk no matter what the weather.

The second most important thing is to sew. I haven't decided what kind of sewing, I just know I need to handle a needle to get myself back in balance.

And the third, but certainly not the least important thing, is to create more balance in my life. I have no idea how to do this, nor am I even sure what is unbalanced or missing. But I must become more aware. I think I hear my crystals calling me. I have a whole wooden box of stones on my bookshelf and they want out. I used to work with stones all the time. I know this is a magickal practice I need to revisit.

I found a movie I want to see!
Did I just plan a date before anyone asked me out? Oh well. If no one asks I'll go alone. I haven't been to the movies since my birthday, which was January 7th. I saw 'True Grit' Now I wanted to see True Grit and I liked it, but I picked that movie because of Kevin. It was either True Grit or 'Season of the Witch' and I figured he'd like a John Wayne remake better. Kevin is not a movie person. I shit you not, he fell asleep watching 'The Dukes of Hazaard' During the race, no less. What I really, really wanted to see, and still haven't watched, was 'Black Swan' Perhaps I should be going to the movies with girlfriends.

And if you are feeling extra witchy, things are stirring on this night. As I drove home, I saw a rabbit- in the middle of down town. I also saw three deer, two opossums, and three very big spiders having a meeting on my porch. Something is coming.

Finally, 2012 is The Year of the Dragon. The last time we had a dragon year was 2000. I love dragon years, good things happen to me and everything seems to go my way. I was born in the year of dragon. I thought I was born in the year of the snake. I hated being a snake. I just knew I was a dragon. Finally I discovered the Chinese New Year begins in February. So even though I was born in 1977, I caught the dragon by the tail. I was born during a fire dragon year. 1988 was earth, 2000 was metal, 2012 is water, and 2024 will be wood, bringing the dragon through all the elements. Because I love dragons and work with them all the time in my magick, I want to do something very special for 2012. I haven't decided exactly what, but I know with dragons by my side it will be unforgettable.

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