Friday, November 25, 2011

Achieving Balance

I made this True Lovers' Celtic Knot last night. It's been a while since I made a Celtic knot. Took three attempts before I got the hang of it. I need to restitch a loop. But I had fun and I am going to make more. Looks like a Christmas gift to me.

I decided for the Year of the Dragon, I will make a dragon art quilt. I have a red scrap quilt I never finished, that will be the back. I've worked out the basic design for my 2012 quilt, but I haven't drawn anything yet. I'm thinking a big gold dragon, maybe something to do with elements, red borders, and small quilt blocks in each corner. I'd like to have a block with my birth year, the year 2012, a yin-yang, and a small dragon in the fourth block. I think my main dragon will be Chinese and my small dragon will be Celtic. And maybe green. Or black. Hmm. Anyway, the finished quilt will hang on the blank wall where the bookcases used to be.

I'm also itching to do some tatting. Over the summer I learned the basics, but I am yet to make a completed project. I have long rows of pretty stitches, just like I had long rows of nice chains when I bought a pack of crochet hooks. Wait, I take that back, I did make a scarf for Kevin which he never wore. I don't think an unused project counts as success.

1 comment:

Alexis Kennedy said...

Wow, you are a busy bee with all of this crafting! I love that Celtic knotwork!! hugs!