Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Banner? I Haz It Done!

The new banner for my Etsy shop was taking far too long to complete. I would think I finally had all my elements/symbols right, then the next time I looked the banner would seem jumbled. I needed something about sewing, a dragon (of course!), and something witchy. I thought that meant at least three separate images. Last night I found this great picture of a dragon using a sewing machine. I thought, How witchy is that? It was so simple- dragons ARE magick. If I have a dragon I don't need Hecate's Wheel, a pentagram, circles, or Celtic knots. I adjusted the background color and AHA! it fits! See, this is why I don't have a tattoo.

At last, I can move on with the rest of my plan to improve my shop. The patch I listed yesterday still hasn't sold, but I did get more traffic to the shop. Thank you for that. Now if I could just get some feedback...

I am still planning on buying an embroidery machine. I was about 90% sure I would buy a Brother. Then yesterday I stopped at Kroger to buy a sandwich for lunch and I also picked up the latest issue of Threads magazine. Oh my! so many ads for machines more complex than the space shuttle! I have more research to do. One ad made me rethink a brand I dismissed and another ad was for a brand I had never heard of, but the results looked great. I still think I should buy a machine that is just for embroidery and not a combination of embroidery and sewing machine. I have three sewing machines. I don't even use one, it just sits in the shadow of my Singer looking dejected. Poor, little machine.

I have a lot of work to do- designs to draw and items to make, so I guess I'll get off this computer and get busy!

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