Friday, September 16, 2011

Turn Him Loose

I've given up on Mr. Dragon. First he wants me, then he ignores me. He's sweet, then he's aloof. He calls, then he's busy. Last night I approached him before lunch and he coldly informed me that he had to get in the break room because the night before he didn't have time to warm up his food. WTF? That really pissed me off, he didn't know what I was going to say. Maybe I caught him on  a bad day, but I don't think he should treat me like a doormat. I am open and honest all the time and I expect everyone else to be that way too. The man confuses me and I don't want to be confused. I really, really like him but I can't deal with hot and cold.

I'm just chillin' for now. Eventually, a good man will come along. I made a list of Important Qualities for my future mate. In no particular order, they are:

1. Single (I've met a lot of men with wives/girlfriends who think they can still have a relationship with me. No, you can't)
2. Honest
3. Kind
4. Handsome
5. Strong (I like 'em big, rugged, and manly!)

6. Smells good (with the right cologne, you can talk me into almost anything)
7. Intelligent (I need someone to talk to)

8. Beautiful eyes (I'm a sucker for pretty eyes and a slow grin)
9. Loves me
10. Easy-going
11. Sense of humor
12. Great in bed (I won't lie, sex is very important to me)
13. Thoughtful and generous

14. Romantic
15. Likes to work with his hands (Profession is not important here. I just see creativity as a sign of an active, healthy mind. And it's useful to have a guy who can fix stuff)
16. Confident (A secure man is a sexy man)
17. Open-minded
18. Hard working
19. Passionate
20. Really turns me on.
21. Should be my age or older (35 to 45). I don't fool with young guys.

In short, I need a simple man I can't resist. Maybe I can find a hot state trooper. I love men in uniform!

In other news, last night I bought a Halloween mask! :squeal!: I haven't own a mask since I was a kid. My glasses always got in the way. But now I have contacts and I can pretend like I'm not blind as a bat.

It's a cheap Wally World Mask. Surprisingly, Wal-Mart had real Halloween stuff- skulls, witches, monsters, and the like. I went in to cash my paycheck and to buy nail polish, then I walked down the wrong aisle and boom! there was a Halloween display right out of my childhood. I wandered around black pumpkins for half an hour or so, thoroughly enchanted.

Next week, I'll have some menus. Hopefully I'll get a day off this weekend and I'll have time to blog. I've been working a lot of overtime and when I do get out of prison, er, I mean work, all I feel like doing is sitting on the porch.

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