Sunday, September 18, 2011

Talkie Sunday Post- Tight Jeans Rock!

No, it's not me- I can't figure out a good way to take a pic of my own butt. The point is, I wore the same tight jeans to work again last night and Mr. Dragon came around THREE times just to talk to me. I might need to upgrade all my clothes to a smaller size.

This weekend is the last weekend of summer so I hope you have been enjoying yourself. Next weekend we will be under the rule of fall, my favorite season! For Mabon I plan on working in my garden. I love gardening in the fall. It's cool enough to actually dig in the dirt without breaking a sweat as soon as I grab a shovel. Spring always seems frantic to me. Fall is unhurried.

Mabon is also when I start putting up Halloween decorations. Of course, this year I started a little early with my gourds. I have more gourds to carve, I'm definitely putting a cemetery in the front yard, and I have skeletons to buy. I've got to turn my bottle tree into a ghost tree. I think I need a new Halloween wreath, too.

Today is my only day off. I am chomping at the bit to tend my roses. I already washed dishes, made the bed, and started a load of laundry. Tomorrow I should have a menu post. One thing you can do to plan your meals, and track what you are eating, is to write down everything you eat for a week. That is your menu. After you get your food on paper, you can easily see where changes should be made. I suggest changing things slowly. Diets generally don't work because your body freaks out when it doesn't get the food it is accustomed to. On a diet, you're eating less and you're eating radically different food. It's not a lack of willpower, it's your body rebelling- that's why you're hungry and irritable. Feel better now?

Since I will be staying up all night, I will probably do another post later today/tonight. See you then.

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