Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bring Back the Hags!

The other day I went to a Xain owned craft store to buy a bottle for a spell. No, the irony is not lost on me. Actually, I like buying spell components in a Xain store. I feel like I'm thumbing my nose at fundamentalists.

The Halloween stuff is out now. I looked all through it because I love Halloween and I am always looking for that just right decoration- something cool, funky, witchy, and if it's on sale, even better.

There were no witches.

Not one green-faced hag. Nor were there skeletons, ghosts, or monsters with rotten flesh. No zombies. No blood. No tombstones. How can you have a Halloween without bones and eyeballs?

Thinking a lack of gory things were simply the personal preference of a Xain CEO, I've been looking all over town. The fall magazines are the same way- if there is a monster, it's in cartoon form. Halloween, it seems, has ceased to be scary.

The only place I've noticed hags (and please don't judge me for this) is on Martha Stewart's website. She has cool shit. Of course, Martha is rather hag-like herself. Just saying, is all.

Hmm, now that I think about it, Martha Stewart is the ultimate evil witch. She rules her domain. Everyone is terrified of her. She has minions. I think Martha Stewart is Baba Yaga incarnate. All that's missing is the chicken foot house.

I think this year I want Halloween to be a bit creepy. I need skulls, spiders, snakes, and bottles of poisons. I need crows and howling wolves. I do believe the whole front yard needs to be a cemetery. And we all know tombstones are creepier when you stumble upon them in the woods, the markers obscured by weeds and dead leaves, so this is a great excuse not to cut grass. Maybe I'll attract a zombie or a vampire.


Anonymous said...

I *love* Samhain and, to me, it just wouldn't be the same without the skulls and hags. I'm very much about the harvest decorations too, but I'm too Pagan to, too Druidic, to dismiss the ancestors and the deep magic of the day. It is, of course, the Christians' prerogative if they don't want those in their store. Michaels has a great selection of skulls right now, including some that you can customize which I love.

FreeDragon said...

I think the skulls go right along with the harvest part- our lives are the fruit and when we die our bodies are the weeds turning brown in the garden. To only celebrate the harvest is to miss half the holiday. What makes the harvest part so wonderful is one day we might not have it. Now I have to go find me some grinning skulls and bloody body parts.