Saturday, July 10, 2010


Okay, I'm sick of talking about diabetes. And after I finished my last post 5 minutes ago I realized that's about all I talk about now. So I'm going to tell you about sewing.

I've been dying fabric. When I get a nice little stash made I'm going to sell it on esty. I thought about doing the flea market thing again but well, flea markets are nasty. And open air markets, craft fairs, and town sponsored events are about like flea markets. Maybe a little less junky, but not always cleaner.

I've been doing needlepoint. I'm making stars. Beautiful 8 point stars. Currently I'm making one for my friend's birthday. I don't know if my stars would sell or not. When I had an indoor flea market booth I learned that art quilts rarely sold. People are unlikely to buy something that just hangs on the wall. I'm framing my stars, but I wondering if they would better as book covers or the like. Should they have a function or is beauty alone enough? When I finish this star I'll post a picture and then I want people to tell honestly if they'd buy a star.

Whether it sells or not, they are fun to make. I feel like I'm casting spells- I carefully consider what the colors mean. I think about the number of points, the number of stitches in each point, the number of colors. I feel like I'm on the verge of something very important.

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