Friday, March 6, 2009

An Important Task

I may not be blogging as much in the near future. As I mentioned, we had a tornado before we had snow. My hometown was pretty much demolished. I still haven't driven over, but I did search the 'net and the one picture that was shown over and over is the Webb house. It is a brick two story and now the second story is missing. Fortunately, no one was home when the tornado struck. But it is the saddest picture I have ever seen because I know these people and I know that is their dream house and they waited years before they had enough money to build it.

Salem is an old place dating back before the Civil War. There are houses that have stood over 150 years and now they are no more. People are leaving. They are depressed. They are so overwhelmed by the loss of things that have been permanent fixtures for as long they can remember.

Terrible things are happening now. Lootting has begun. Traffic has slowed to a crawl as out of towners gawk at the destruction.

Kevin drove by in the semi and he says you can tell the exact path the tornado traveled. He was awed by the damage and couldn't stop talking about it until I gently reminded him, I know these people.

Of course the clean up has started. There's talk of rebuilding. The school will be closed for a long time (much to delight of the students, I'm sure) The church isn't sure yet what they are going to do.

But I have decided what I need to do. I need to create comfort. So I will be quilting. My goal is one quilt for each house hit. I don't know how long this will take and I don't care. It is something that needs to be done.

I will still be blogging, just not as often. Right now I have a lot of work to do.


Living in Muddy Waters said...

For what it's worth, I am a tornado magnet AND I live in Hurricane Alley. I have experienced massive devastation to my home and city twice. I would have really appreciated a quilt after all that. That's a great thought.

FreeDragon said...

Poor thing! I couldn't imagine going through this twice. That doesn't seem fair at all.

Living in Muddy Waters said...

The first time was horrible, but the second time..the second time was the best time of my life. When you face two giant trees sitting ON your house and no water or power for two weeks, you really get to know your neighbors and your spouse. We had a blast and I wouldn't change a minute of it. I still look back at that time and smile, so don't worry, some of these people will be okay. Especially with people like you looking out for them. I'm sure you'll be quilting more than care into those quilts. ;)

Purple Hydrangea said...

Reading this post made tears come to my eyes.... What a sweet thing you are doing by making quits for those affected by devistation. I don't know if you are a church person or not, but that is true Ministry in the full sense of the word! As I am a church person, I am going to send you prayers as you stitch, as well as say some prayers for those your are stitching for.