Friday, February 6, 2009

No Loitering, I think

I just came back from emptying the trash and there was a big sign on the dumpster-
I rarely see anybody else at the dumpster. In fact there is not much of anything there beside the dumpster. Last week I saw my neighbors from the end lot. The dad was teaching the son how to shoot a bb gun and the little girl was riding her tricycle. Since it is a big round patch of pavement surrounded by a cow pasture and since the dumpster is practically in their yard it seemed like a reasonable place to do both activities. That is the most action I've seen at the dumpster in the 5 years that I've lived here.
Maybe the sign is supposed to read No Littering.


rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

What an odd sign to have near the dumpster. Yet, as an avid recycler/upcycler I appreciate the fine art of trash-picking ... and "authorities" often hate that. Maybe that's it. ::shrugs::

Who know? :D

Thanks too, for you comment on my blog - I really appreciate it! Peace.

FreeDragon said...

Around here we call it 'dumpster diving' and people in this neighborhood usually leave unwanted items to the side so you don't actually have go through trash. I got my sewing table from the dump. One leg was loose, but otherwise in great condition.