Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bottle Tree Theft

Today I discovered that someone has stolen my bottle tree.

Not the actual tree itself, because it is a live sweetgum still firmly planted in the ground, but they stole all the bottles hanging in the tree, along with the hooks that held the bottles in place.

I am just assuming that some fool can't recognize Southern Culture when they see it so they took down what they considered trash and threw it away.

Now I'll have to find some other way to frighten ghosts.

Sigh. It was such a nice bottle tree, too.


nefaeria said...

Well that's just crappy! I am sorry some arsehole made off with your bottles.

I've never heard of bottles being put on trees to protect a property from unwanted 'guests'. I'd love to hear more about that particular custom if you wish to discuss it :)

I guess if you put some up again you will have to add a little extra 'something' to keep thieves at bay too ;)

SlĂ inte!


FreeDragon said...

If you watch the movie Ray (about the life of Ray Charles) there's a bottle tree. The movie never does explain what the tree is for, Ray just dreams about it every time he has flash backs to the day his brother died.
There's an older movie called Ghosts of Mississippi (Whoopi Goldberg & Alec Baldwin) and the little girl has a bottle tree outside her window to scare away a ghost.
I put my tree up about three years ago. I was having nightmares about vampires and nothing seemed to work.
I too believe that spirits guide us and help us. For about a week I keep finding references to bottle trees, pictures, seeing them in gardens, hearing people talk about them, etc. I decided something wanted me to have a bottle tree. I spent a Saturday making it and the nightmares stopped.
My tree gathered a lot of attention. Several people asked me what it was. Some were thrilled to see it because it reminded them of their childhood. Others nervously inquired about the ghost. Since I had gotten mostly positive reactions I thought my tree was safe. (It even survived a hurricane!)
I'm going to make another one. Maybe if I put it closer to the house no one will bother it.

nefaeria said...

Neat! Thanks for sharing the added insight and information. I hope that the next one you have lasts for a long time without the disturbance of theft :)