Monday, August 18, 2008


Maybe I watch too many movies. Maybe I read a few too many horror books. Maybe I am just the victim of my own over-active imagination, but I gotta tell you it is no fun waking up to a shadow in the corner.
First the corner of room with the door appeared darker than the rest of the bedroom. There’s lots of reasons of that, so I didn’t worry about it. But then the darkness sort of…condensed.
It became a cloud, a very black cloud hovering in the corner of my room and I didn’t like looking at it, but I liked having my back to it even less. It wasn’t a constant thing, so there were still explanations for it. So I still didn’t worry, I just woke up feeling vaguely uneasy.
But then I woke up three nights in a row from a sound sleep and my first thought was that something was in the room with me. Last night I woke up and saw a shadow in human shape and worse, it had a face.
I saw eyes. It was gone quickly, but it unnerved me.
Still, there may be logical reasons to see such a thing. I’m sure someone is scoffing right now and muttering under their breath about how I’ve been dreaming. But I wasn’t asleep. And I’m sure someone else will mention the headlights of passing cars make for some unusual apparitions, but my window is covered. Actually, the headboard is blocking it because the street light is so bright that midnight looks about like 7am. I covered up the window very well.
There’s a few other things about that concern me. One that it’s been going on so long and two that terrified as I may be, I immediately fall asleep again. In the morning I have forgotten all about it until the next night when it happens again. And finally there’s those very vivid and sometimes violet dreams.
So today I took action. I am a practicing Witch and I will NOT be afraid to sleep in my own bed. I will NOT tolerate uninvited beings in my house.
I cleaned the house. Then I swept. I sprinkled salt. I burned incense, candles, and sage. I used my rattle to break up negative energy. Tonight I sleep in a cast circle.
Take that, shadow.

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